Cieli ad alta quota Alighiero Boetti
Cieli ad alta quota Alighiero Boetti
Cieli ad alta quota Alighiero Boetti

Cieli ad alta quota Alighiero Boetti

9 500 SEK

Alighiero Boetti (1940-1994) was asked in the 1990s by the curator Hans Ulrich Obrist if he could think of any unusual venues for his work and Boetti spoke of having an exhibition on an airplane. Subsequently six of Boetti's watercolours were published for Austrian Airlines' inflight magazine and six jigsaws were produced based on his series 'Ciel ad Alta' (High Skies). The puzzles have the exact same size as the folding table of the airplanes and were gifted to passengers.

Alighiero Boetti was born in Turin, Italy and is considered one of the most important artists of Post-War Europe. His work has been posthumously exhibited at Moderne Kunst, Frankfurt (1998), Whitechapel Gallery (1999), Houston’s Contemporary Art Museum (2002), Tate Modern London and at the MoMA in New York (both in 2012). In 2001 the Venice Biennale was dedicated to Boetti’s work.

Edition of 6 puzzles, in original unpacked condition with original cardboard box. Rare to find in this un-touched condition. Published by Museum in Progress, 1993, Austria.

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