Alexandra Yan Wong Untitled No.1
Alexandra Yan Wong Untitled No.1
Alexandra Yan Wong Untitled No.1
Alexandra Yan Wong Untitled No.1
Alexandra Yan Wong Untitled No.1
Alexandra Yan Wong Untitled No.1

Alexandra Yan Wong Untitled No.1

€2.144,95 EUR

Materiality underpins the contemporary art work of Alexandra Yan Wong arising from her interest in the psychology of perception and aesthetics in the modern world. Formally a linguist with a background in German Literature and philosophy, she swaps words for paint, stain, paper, fabric, wood amongst other materials.  Their spatial arrangement, concealment and destruction highlight their tactility and the work’s narrative form. The cross-cultural influences in Wong’s works can be seen in her use of colours and brushstrokes reminiscent of calligraphy. The combination of expressive marks and considered repetition attests to the tension inherent in perception, reflecting a similar tension that maintains the balance in the symbiosis between our being and the wider world. She works from her studio in West London and has been published in the likes of AD, Ark Journal and Imagicasa.  Her work can be found in collections across UK, Europe, US and Asia.

"My latest work represents my recent thoughts about my upbringing in Hong Kong and subsequent move to the UK. After not having visited home in a few years due to the pandemic, my recent trip stirred up feelings of nostalgia and compelled me to research my roots, as well as to revisit topics, that I had only scratched the surface of during my academic career. Drawing from my Chinese roots, I incorporate broad calligraphic strokes and juxtapose them against geometric shapes. Instead of focussing on the contrast between the fluidity and rigidity of this dualistic nature, the overlapping of layers reveal an organic process in reconciling past and present traditions and beliefs. This is a stillness and calm brought about by resolution and in this way, I hope the viewer can find in my paintings a moment of stillness, a state of suspension where introspection is free to take place"  Alexandra Yan Wong, London 26 April, 2024

Mixed media on canvas, framed in dark wood, signed and dated on verso.

H52 x W53cm